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Cost Controller

Our client, a leading group of companies within the healthcare and catering industry, is seeking to recruit a full-time, on-premises Cost Controller to join its finance and administration team.
  • Finance / Accounting
  • full-time
  • Healthcare & Catering

Front of House Customer Care/Receptionist

Pne of our clients is looking for a front of house customer care/receptionist to join their team.
  • Front of House Customer Care
  • full-time
  • Healthcare

Human Resources Administrator

Peeple HR is looking for a competent Human Resources Administrator to perform various administrative and clerical tasks to support the company’s HR Services and represent the company’s ethos. The ideal candidate will be reliable and hardworking with great communication skills and will undertake a variety of activities.
  • Human Resources
  • full-time
  • CSP (Company Service Provider)

Group Chief Operations Officer

Our client, a major player within the Healthcare and Catering Industries, is looking for an experienced and motivated Group Chief Operations Officer on a full-time basis.
  • Chief Operations Officer
  • full-time
  • high-level
  • Healthcare & Catering

Procurement Coordinator

Our client, a major playor within the catering and healthcare industry, is looking for a Procurement Coordinator on a full-time basis.
  • Procurement
  • full-time
  • mid-level
  • Healthcare & Catering


Our client, a well-established firm offering corporate and individual financial services, is looking for an Accountant to join their team on a Full-Time basis.
  • Finance / Accounting
  • full-time
  • Finance

Compliance Assistant Administrator

Our client, a well-established firm offering corporate and individual financial services, is looking for a Compliance Assistant Administrator on a Full-Time basis.
  • Finance / Accounting
  • full-time
  • Finance

Anaesthetic Nurse

Our Client enjoys more than 30 years of expertise in the healthcare industry, known for excellence, innovation and advanced technology. They are seeking for a passionate individual to join their dynamic team that values collaboration, continuous learning and personal growth.
  • Nursing
  • full-time
  • Healthcare

Audit Manager

Our client is a well-established and growing CSP firm with a vision to lead the industry by embracing change as an opportunity. They are currently looking for talent and seek to recruit an Audit Manager to join their dynamic team. The Audit Manager will be leading a team of six and will be reporting to the Head of Client Accounting.
  • Finance / Accounting
  • full-time
  • mid-level
  • CSP (Company Service Provider)

Audit and Assurance Seniors

€25,000 - €35,000
This is a role for ambitious professionals with at least 2 years proven experience in a similar position. Ideally candidates shall be in possession of a professional qualification or in the final stages of their studies. The following are the responsibilities and duties for this role and also the required skills set.
  • Finance / Accounting
  • full-time
  • mid-level
  • CSP (Company Service Provider)

Junior / Semi-Senior Auditor

Our client, a well-established firm offering corporate and individual financial services, is looking for a Junior/Semi-Senior Auditor on a Full-Time basis.
  • Finance / Accounting
  • full-time
  • Finance

Strengthening businesses through exceptional HR services

We understand that each business is unique and faces different HR challenges. That is why we offer personalised solutions that are customised to fit your company’s requirements. Our experienced HR professionals are dedicated to providing you with the support you need to achieve your business objectives through your most important assets – your People.

Get in touch